Answer the below questions to have the AI estimate your personality type according to Enneagram Theory. Provide your answers in a numbered list matching the list of questions. After the AI has determined your personality type, it will attempt to explain the usefulness and value of Enneagram Theory in ways that are meaningful to your own particular personality type. You can then ask the AI further questions about the test or about the stage theory more generally.
This detailed test has 30 questions, for a brief 10 question assessment, use the quick test. If you want to skip the test and simply engage in dialogue with the Enneagram Theory AI, select chat only mode.
AI: 1. In large groups, I often feel...
2. When others don’t listen to me, I feel...
3. I am most motivated when...
4. I feel happiest when...
5. I know I am stressed when...
6. People come to me for advice about...
7. I feel most accomplished when...
8. My friends would describe me as...
9. I often worry that...
10. When making decisions, I tend to...
11. I feel uncomfortable when...
12. I handle new situations with...
13. My biggest fear is...
14. I feel most comfortable when...
15. It’s important for me to...
16. In my free time, I like to...
17. I often find myself thinking about...
18. I get angry when...
19. I would describe my outlook on life as...
20. When working with others, I...
21. My typical day starts with...
22. To relax, I need to...
23. I often struggle with...
24. I believe my purpose in life is to...
25. When I am praised, I usually...
26. Conflict makes me...
27. I find it easy to...
28. My ideal vacation would be...
29. In a crisis, I...
30. I feel fulfilled when...[speak]