Answer the below questions to have the AI estimate your
stage of consciousness development according to Jean Gebser Structures of Consciousness Theory. Provide your answers in
a numbered list matching the list of questions. After the AI has determined your
stage of development, it will attempt to explain the usefulness and value of the
theory in ways that are meaningful to your own particular stage of consciousness
development. You can then ask the AI further questions about the test or about
the theory more generally.
This quick test has only 10 questions, for a more accurate 30 question assessment, use the detailed test. If you want to skip the test and simply engage in dialogue with the Jean Gebser Structures of Consciousness Theory AI, select chat only mode.
AI: 1. When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I feel is...
2. When dealing with a problem, my approach is typically to...
3. In a group setting, I find my role is...
4. The patterns I see in life events are...
5. When reading a story, the aspect I focus on most is...
6. My dreams at night are...
7. If I encounter something new and unfamiliar, I...
8. The relationship between my inner thoughts and the external world is...
9. When I think about time, I tend to...
10. A work of art speaks to me when...[speak]