Answer the below questions to have the AI estimate your
stage of consciousness development according to Robert Kegan Constructive Developmental Theory. Provide your answers in
a numbered list matching the list of questions. After the AI has determined your
stage of development, it will attempt to explain the usefulness and value of the
theory in ways that are meaningful to your own particular stage of consciousness
development. You can then ask the AI further questions about the test or about
the theory more generally.
This detailed test has 30 questions, for a brief 10 question assessment, use the quick test. If you want to skip the test and simply engage in dialogue with the Robert Kegan Constructive Developmental Theory AI, select chat only mode.
AI: 1. In the future I...
2. When my friends do something I disagree with...
3. At work, when I am given a task without instructions...
4. Success for me is...
5. When someone criticizes me...
6. My family expects me to...
7. The most important thing in a relationship is...
8. When I am in a group, I...
9. If I am alone and feeling unhappy...
10. When making decisions, I usually...
11. If my boss is unfair...
12. When faced with change...
13. People I admire are...
14. If I could improve one thing about myself...
15. I often find myself thinking about...
16. When I consider my personal values...
17. Upon facing a moral dilemma...
18. I feel my purpose in life is to...
19. When someone needs my help...
20. My most important goals are...
21. If my actions hurt someone unintentionally...
22. I find my greatest motivation comes from...
23. When learning something new, I...
24. When I think about what makes me different from others...
25. In handling conflicts...
26. The role of authority in my life is...
27. I stand up for myself by...
28. When it comes to rules and procedures...
29. My biggest fear is...
30. It is difficult to change...[speak]